Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hello World!

Well... hello there.

My name is Harley, but mom refers to me by a multitude of different nick names. The two she uses most (for now at least) are Haro and Booboo. Mom found me as a stray and I'm definitely lucky to have her because I'm one spoiled kitteh.

 Here's mom and me last Halloween.

I decided I have a lot of thoughts and that I would like to be able to share them with the world so I decided to create this blog after seeing that a bunch of other cats have them (I definitely need to start following some of them, maybe if I'm lucky they'll follow me!). 

So my current concern is that mom called Petsmart to verify when Santa is coming. Last year was my first Christmas ever and mom decided it would be really fun to take me (it also supported shelter animals which mom and I both liked). So, anyways, mom slipped me into my harness and leash from when she tried to leash train me.
Side note: leash training didn't go well, the leash and harness were fine but I was not about to prance around like that.
Then we drove to the store and got there fifteen minutes before Santa was open for business so that I could get in and out before the dogs arrived. All the employees were super excited someone brought a cat. I just can't imagine why more cats don't go... So because it went well last year and mom got an "adorable" picture out of it, she thinks we should go again. JOY. Have any of you ever been subjected to this?

Here's last year for your enjoyment.

Anyways I hope you other cats (and humans) stick around and enjoy reading!


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